Tanzbeschreibung / Stepsheet

Tippin‘ To Country

Choreographed by John & Bonnie Newcomer3-Mar-2003
Description:68 count, intermediate partner dance
Musik: Honky Tonk If You Love Country by Aaron Tippin
There Ain’t Nothin‘ Wrong With The Radio by Aaron Tippin
Position: Facing down line of dance with inside hands joined (Lady’s left in Man’s right)
1&2 Left shuffle forward (left-right-left) forward – together – forward
3&4 Right shuffle forward (right-left-right) forward – together – forward
5&6 Left shuffle forward (left-right-left) forward – together – forward
7&8 Right shuffle forward (right-left-right) forward – together – forward
9-10 Left toe-heel strut forward
11-12 Right toe-heel strut forward
13-14 Left foot kick forward (twice)
15&16 Left coaster step (left-right-left) back – together – forward

17-18 Right toe-heel strut forward
19-20 Left toe-heel strut forward
21-22 Right foot kick forward (twice)
23&24 Right coaster step (right-left-right) back – together – forward
25 Left foot step forward
26 Pivot on right foot ½ turn right
27 Left foot step forward
28 Pivot on right foot ¾ turn right end in a double hand hold facing partner

29-30-31 Left vine (left-right-left) side – behind – side
32 Right foot touch next to left foot (man drop right hand holding lady’s left hand)

33 Right foot step to right side (lead lady into inside turn bring left hand across & between)
34 Left foot step next to right foot (raise left hand / lady’s right over lady’s head)
35 Right foot step to right side (lower hands, placing lady’s left hand on man’s right shoulder)
36 Left foot touch next to right foot (facing outside line of dance)
37&38 Left triple step (left-right-left) ½ turn right across & in front of lady
39&40 Right triple step (right-left-right) make ½ turn right to face inside line of dance
41&42 Left triple step (left-right-left) make ½ turn right across & in front of lady
43&44 Right triple step (right-left-right) make ¼ turn right to face down line of dance

45-46-47 Step slightly forward: left – right – left (raise joined hands & lead lady’s into full turn to the right)
48 Right foot touch next to left foot
49 Right foot step forward (raise left arm lead lady behind back)
50 Left foot step behind
51 Right foot step to right side
52 Left foot touch next to right foot

53-54-55 Left vine (left-right-left) as lady rolls across
56 Right foot scuff forward
57 Right foot step across left foot
58 Left foot step back
59 Right foot step ¼ turn right
60 Left foot scuff forward

61 Left foot step to left side (raise left hand to lead lady’s turn)
62 Right foot step behind left foot
63-64 Left foot step to left side, then right foot step across left foot
65-66 Left foot step to left side, then right foot step behind left foot
67 Left foot step ¼ turn left
68 Right foot step forward
1&2 Right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
3&4 Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
5&6 Right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
7&8 Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
9-10 Right toe-heel strut forward
11&12 Left toe-heel strut forward
13-14 Right foot kick forward (twice)
15&16 Right coaster step (right-left-right) back – together – forward
17-18 Left toe-heel strut forward
19-20 Right toe-heel strut forward
21-22 Left foot kick forward (twice)
23&24 Left coaster step (left-right-left) back – together – forward
25 Right foot step forward
26 Pivot on left foot ½ turn left
27 Right foot step forward
28 Pivot on left foot ¾ turn left end in double hand hold
29-30-31 Right vine (right-left-right) down line of dance
32 Left foot touch next to right foot
33 Left foot step ¼ turn left (to the left)
34 Right foot step ¼ turn left (to the left)
35 Left foot step ½ turn left (to the left) into close position
36 Right foot touch next to left foot (place left hand on man’s right shoulder)
37&38 Right triple step (right-left-right) make ½ turn right to face outside line of dance
39&40 Left triple step (left-right-left) make ½ turn right
41&42 Right triple step (right-left-right) make ½ turn right
43&44 Left triple step (left-right-left) ¼ turn right to face reverse line of dance

45-46-47 Step: right – left – right (making full turn right traveling down line of dance)
48 Left foot touch next to right foot
49 Left foot step forward (passing man’s right side)
50 Right foot step ¼ turn right passing behind man’s back
51 Left foot step ¼ turn right ending on man’s left side facing down line of dance
52 Right foot touch next to left foot

53-54-55 Right rolling vine (right-left-right) across & in front of man, ending on man’s right side
56 Left foot scuff forward (join inside hands)
57 Left foot step across right foot
58 Right foot step back
59 Left foot step ¼ turn left
60 Right foot scuff forward
61-62-63 Right rolling vine (right-left-right) down line of dance (man’s left hand lead)
64 Left foot step across right foot
65 Right foot step to right side
66 Left foot step behind right foot
67 Right foot step ¼ turn right to face down line of dance
68 Left foot step forward

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Stepsheet 'Tippin’ To Country' as PDF: Tippin’ To Country.pdf

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